Fr. Scott Haynes

St. Teresa of Calcutta once said:
I’m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.
The souls in Purgatory send love letters to God too, interceding for the faithful who are praying for them. It seems the holy souls are some of God’s best friends, and so, if it is true that we become Christ’s friends by imitating Him, then these wise souls have learned that to be like Christ, they must imitate His sufferings. This is why the poor souls nestle inside the wound that pierced Christ’s Heart. They rest in the wounds of Christ, their rock and fortress (Ps. 18:2), like the dove which hid itself in the “clefts of the rock” (Can. 2:14). The holy souls feel the beat of the Sacred Heart, and their every prayer is in perfect sync with the beat rhythm of His love, a love thirsting for souls.