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Franciscan Missionaries Meet the Holy Family

Writer's picture: Fr. Scott HaynesFr. Scott Haynes

Fr. Scott Haynes

A Meditation on Luke 2:51

“He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject to them.”

One of the most charming stories of the Catholic Church in the United States comes from the southwest. It is related to us in the Willa Cather’s “Death Comes for the Archbishop.”

After traveling across a cruel cactus desert, two Francisican missionaries finally arrived at their monastery, both weary and hungry. These Franciscan priests wondered how they ever made it without food and without a guide. The two friars explained they started with enough bread and water for one day’s journey.

Toward the end of the second evening they were feeble and famished and about to give it up when they caught sight of three great cottonwood trees. They hurried over to find a little house with a donkey tied outside. An old Mexican answered their call and invited them to stay the night. Inside they found a beautiful young lady with a small son who was playing with a little lamb.

After a simple supper the priests said their daily prayers, but with difficulty, as they could not keep their eyes and thoughts from the charming child. Sleep finally overtook them, and a deep, sweet sleep enveloped them, that was only broken by the daylight streaming in upon them. The family, including the donkey and the lamb, was gone.

After they arrived at the Franciscan monastery the next day, they related what had happened to the other friars. Hearing the story, the friars at the monastery told these two priests that there were indeed three great cottonwood trees on that spot but no house.

The priests were confused so they set out with some of the friars to find that house. They came upon the cottonwood trees but no house; they found no trace of any family having lived there. Falling to their knees, they kissed the earth. They realized that the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, had befriended them.

That same Holy Family will befriend us today. Holy Mother Church sets this Sunday aside to give special thought to them. What a picture they present, those holy three, as we peer into the window of their cottage at Nazareth.

Behold St. Joseph, the honest, hard-working spouse of our Lady, the guardian of the Holy Family, the protector of the two most precious beings who ever walked this earth. God chose St Joseph because he had faith. He believed when the angel told him:

“Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee, Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost.” (Mt 1:20)

Catholic fathers, Catholic husbands, let St Joseph show you how to be a spiritual father to your family. Whatever your occupation, it is equally honorable in the eyes of God, who chose a carpenter for the most exalted job on earth.

However firmly the head of the Holy Family believed that the Child in his charge was the all powerful Son of God, he did not expect angels from heaven to descend with provisions for Christ and Mary. He worked in his carpenter shop diligently. He was doing the work of God for love of Jesus and Mary, and so Joseph was happy.

Joseph’s happiness, men, will be yours, if like him, you also do God’s work. God made you the head of your own family. Be true to your responsibility as St Joseph was to his. Understand this fact, as expressed by St Frances de Sales:

“To be perfect in our vocation is nothing else than to fulfill the duties and offices which our condition and state of life oblige us to do. He who does his work well, for the honor and glory of God, is perfect in his state in life, is a man according to the heart and will of God. One nail driven for the love of God is of more heavenly value than a whole house built without a thought of God.”

Wives and mothers, look to Mary as your model of everything womanly. Love must be the life and breath of a true mother and wife, just as Mary showed to Jesus and to Joseph. Out of love she made every sacrifice. She endured poverty, trying to make things comfortable for Joseph her husband and for Christ her Son.

Mary calls herself a handmaid, a servant girl -- she who was the masterpiece of the Trinity, the daughter of God the Father, the Mother of God the Son, and the spouse of God the Holy Spirit. Though descended from the line of Davidic kings, Mary did ordinary housework like everyone else.

But Mary also meditated. St Luke 2:51 tells us:

“And his mother kept all these words in her heart.”

Yes, Mary was continually thinking about the things of God. She left her home only for the works of piety, charity and duty. True followers of Mary find their joy more in the home than on the street. May Christian mothers, likewise, be women of prayer, meditating, like Mary, on the words of Christ.

Boys and girls, young men and young women, look today at Christ, he is a young boy. He was obedient to Joseph and to Mary, even though he was God. As a young boy, Jesus was busy about the home of Joseph and Mary, helping St Joseph in the carpenter shop, and helping Mary his Mother with the housework. What a noble example for all children.

The life of the family is so important today. That is why God gave us the Holy Family for an example and model. There at Nazareth, in Jesus, Mary in Joseph, all men, women and children find inspiration.

The Lord Jesus Christ was hidden from Joseph and Mary for three days in the Temple, and when they found him they rejoiced. Next Jesus was, for three days, was hidden in the Tomb. When he emerged victorious from the tomb, the Church sang,

“Be joyful, Mary, heavenly Queen, for the Lord has truly risen from the dead.”

Today, dear company of the Holy Family, Christ is hidden again – hidden in the Tabernacle in the Holy Eucharist. Find him there. Rejoice and sing to Him.

Gloria in excelsis Deo.


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